You Pass AEDs Hanging on Walls in Many of the Places You Frequent Throughout the Week

You pass AEDs hanging on walls in many of the places you frequent throughout the week, like the one at work. Each time you pass one, you wonder if you are doing what you can to maintain a healthy heart. After all, you eat healthy, don’t smoke and exercise regularly, but you have to ask yourself if you are doing heart-healthy exercises. Here are a few exercises that are good for your heart.


Hit the pool for a workout that will benefit your heart. Leisure swimming brings benefits to the unfit population, to get a better workout for your heart, you need to swim laps. Your best bet is to vary your strokes when swimming the length of the pool, it makes you work harder.

Weight Training

For people with heart disease, weight training is critical. In addition to building muscle mass, weight training also burns fat, so it is good for your heart and your bones. You will want to start out slow and slowly increase the temp of your body movements to increase difficulty.


A long, steady run is a great way to stay in shape, but running intervals will push your cardiovascular fitness to the next level. Whether it is hills or sprints, all you need are 10 second sprints that are very intense.


You don’t have to be doing a high level of activity to increase heart health. After all, pushing your heart rate up and down very quickly can be hazardous if you are out of shape. Yoga is great for strength and muscle toning.


According to a large study by the British Medical association, regular cycling can substantially reduce your risk for heart disease. In fact, just 20 miles a week on a bike can reduce your chances of developing heart disease by as much as 50 percent.

Ferno Grey

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