You Can’t Go Through Life Worried That Someday You May Need an AED to Save Your Life

The new year is the perfect time to reflect on the last 12 months and decide which unhealthy habits you want to leave behind and which heart-healthy habits you want to start moving forward. Focus on what is good for your heart health, what will decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease and what will improve your overall health. After all, you can’t go through life worried that someday you may need an AED to save your life.

Healthy Weight

You cannot ignore the impact weight loss has on your overall health. Excess weight does more than just add inches to your waist, it seriously affects your health. Excess weight raises your bad cholesterol and lowers your good cholesterol, raises your blood pressure and can lead to diabetes. All of these factors can increase your risk of heart conditions.


In the coming year, make a commitment to be more physically active. Aim to set aside 30 minutes a day for moderate activity such as brisk walking, weight lifting, dancing, house cleaning or even gardening. Once you have set the habit, exercise becomes a part of your lifestyle.

Unhealthy Vices

If you are a smoker, now is the time to stop. Smoking increases your risk of a heart attack six-fold. In addition, drink alcohol in moderation, one drink a day for women and two for men. Drinking alcohol in excess can increase blood pressure and the chances of suffering a stroke.

Manage Stress

Stress causes numerous physical symptoms including headaches, trouble sleeping and tight muscles. Many people resort to drinking in excess or overeating as a way to cope. Stress itself can take a toll on your heart health and it is only made worse when you resort to bad habits instead of properly managing your stress.

Ferno Grey

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